Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Master Peck's Home Branch Relocated

After spending one day building a completely new shop, and another evening of moving merchandise, I have successfully changed location's for Master Peck's home store. The Faeria store is now in the new market square, freeing Mykyl up to proceed to the next step of her master plan, which, I believe, involves tearing down the old store and relocated the pub to that location.

The new store has a layout I'm satisfied with, but it still seems to be a bit dark. I'm thinking of putting down a lighter wood for the floor. I also still need to put in an updated visitor counter/greeter and twiddle with the way that some of my benches sell. AND I still need to update the location for the store in SLExchange. Oh, and I have to put an updated landmark in all my for sale items. And remove the old store from the Cataporter.

Beyond that, it's ready, not counting all the things I have to do that I've forgotten about. Just another evening's worth of work that may take a week or two. Sigh.

The Princess still needs to move some of her items from the old store area. Beyond that, it's vacant. She is going to set up her items to the right of the new store in a little outdoor garden shop.

She is also anxious to start setting up her new gallery on the second floor of the Master Peck building. The second floor is somewhat brighter and more modern than the first. Some of her most recent photos have been amazing. The child who will soon be formerly known as teenager has been doing a bit of post production work for her, making her original concepts sparkle. She definitely has an eye for photography. She just needs it pointed out to her from time to time.

Regardless of the state of Master Peck's, I need to spend some serious time in Triskele. Cleric stuff is stacking up, and we need to start a recruitment drive. Not enough Odinites yet, and the other faiths are similarly dry. Action. Adventure. Other stuff. All of it awaits the Cleric's Guild. Bri wants my help decorating the new guild building, and I really want to start building the new hud, as well as the gadgets and gizmos o f the guild. We're going to need some sacred trinkets and whatnot. I still need to develop the symbol of Odin. Lot's of fun stuff.

Goodnight, my friends. Hugs and or affectionate squeezes to any and all who need them.


Wildstar Beaumont said...

I see you have been poked hard enough to get you motivated to move the shop ... :)
How are your ribs ? :)

Anonymous said...

"Beyond that, it's ready"....

This should almost be the Faeria slogan! :)))